Seven (7) years after the historic signing and implementation of Executive Order No. 2, s. 2016, the Freedom of Information-Program Management Office (FOI-PMO) continues to strive to map the trajectory and cement the thrust of access to information practice towards promoting transparency and accountability in the government through Freedom of Information (FOI).
Under the Presidential Communications Office (PCO), the FOI Program is presented with an opportunity to reintegrate and revitalize its access to information mechanisms anchored on the PCO’s mandate to serve as the premier communications arm of the Executive Branch. This further enables the FOI-PMO to engage and involve the citizenry in public governance and all matters of public concern.
As a way to constantly streamline the innovative developments in access to information and recognize and celebrate the FOI Program’s successes and challenges, the FOI-PMO will hold the in-person 2023 FOI Summit and Awards, with the central theme Transforming Transparency: Digitalizing Access to Information, Embracing Glocalization, and Sustaining a Culture of Openness, on November 20–24, 2023, in Metro Manila.
The FOI Summit is the annual convention of FOI Philippines’ staunch partners, champions, advocates, and practitioners from both local and international government and non-government sectors, which aims to inform the public about the developments in the implementation of the FOI Program. This is an avenue to continuously build and sustain communities of practice for accessing information mechanisms in the country.
On the other hand, the FOI Awards are an annual gathering of leading FOI practitioners and champions from the government and non-government sectors. This aims to recognize the critical contribution of key implementers in the overall implementation of the FOI Program.
20 November: 2023 FOI SUMMIT
Lightning Talk 1: 4 FOI: Risks, Challenges, Trends, and Opportunities
Artificial intelligence (AI) has predominantly emerged as a transformative technology with significant implications for government operations and access to information (ATI). AI’s role in ATI is revolutionary by automating the processing, analysis, and dissemination of vast datasets. While AI offers numerous benefits for the government and ATI, it also raises concerns related to data privacy, data integrity and security, and the overall framework of access to information.
This session answers the following questions:
Lightning Talk 2: eFOI Portal Version 2.0
The Electronic Freedom of Information (eFOI) Portal in the Philippines is an innovative digital platform to enhance transparency and facilitate citizens' access to government information.
Through a vital partnership with a key data science partner, the Asian Institute of Management (AIM), several advancements have been made to the portal, including but not limited to the application and implementation of the AI Recommender System, Time and Motion Study, Automated Personally Identifiable Information Redactor, and Topical and Thematic Modeling of Data and Information Requests.
This session answers the following questions:
Master Presentation 1: Access to Information for Developing Nations: A Response to Global Sustainability
Access to information is a critical factor in the development of nations and a key component of achieving global sustainability goals. In a world that is increasingly interconnected and driven by technology, access to information empowers individuals, communities, and governments to make informed decisions and take actions that can lead to sustainable development.
This session answers the following questions:
Master Presentation 2: eGOV: Delivering the Right Information, Communicating the Government’s Dedication
The Department of Information and Communications Technology in the Philippines has been at the forefront of digital transformation efforts in the country. One of their key GovTech initiatives is the development and deployment of eGovernment (eGov) applications aimed at improving public services, enhancing government strategy, and fostering greater citizen engagement.
Attuned with the FOI Program's implementation of the eFOI Portal, the eGov provides the public with a centralized platform for various government services, which streamlines government processes, reduces bureaucracy, and improves government service delivery.
This session answers the following questions:
Master Presentation 3: Introducing Participatory Governance Metrics Tool: Elevating the Philippines’ Democratic Space for Access to Information
The Participatory Governance Metrics (PGM), developed by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), is a valuable instrument for assessing and enhancing participatory governance in various countries, including the Philippines.
As a comprehensive framework, the tool is designed to help assess the extent to which citizens are actively engaged in decision-making, the responsiveness of government agencies, and the overall inclusivity and transparency of governance practices.
This session answers the following questions:
Panel Session 1: Regaining Trust, Improving Delivery of Public Service: Strengthening Institutional Trust through FOI
Government agencies in the Philippines have recognized the importance of transparency and accountability in fostering institutional trust among citizens. The Freedom of Information (FOI) Program, implemented in 2016, has played a pivotal role in achieving this goal.
By promoting transparency, accountability, citizen engagement, and data-driven decision-making, the FOI Program has not only improved governance but also enhanced public confidence in government institutions.
This session answers the following questions:
Panel Session 2: Re-strategizing Good Local Governance through FOI
The Freedom of Information (FOI) Program is a powerful tool that can be used to enhance local governance and promote transparency, accountability, and citizen participation at the grassroots level.
With 70 local government units (LGUs) that heeded the call to support access to information by enacting local FOI ordinances, good local governance in the Philippines is revitalized with genuine open localized government measures.
This session answers the following questions:
Info-Session 1: Transformative Governance in the Philippines: Holding the Government Transparent and Accountable in the Digital Age
Transparent and accountable government in the digital age.
Driven by digitalization and transparency initiatives, a transformative approach to governance is vital for fostering a more responsive and efficient government.
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Info-Session 2: Using Access to Information for Safer, Transparent, and Accountable Elections: Highlights of 2023 Local Elections and Abuse of State Resources (ASR) Monitoring Initiative
The Legal Network for Truthful Elections (LENTE) electoral monitoring campaigning and report provide a concise overview of the Abuse of State Resources (ASR) monitoring initiative and its role in promoting fairness and transparency in the recently held 2023 barangay and SK elections.
This initiative aims to safeguard the integrity of the electoral process by monitoring and addressing the misuse of state resources during election campaigns.
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Info-Session 3: Advancing Media Information Literacy (MIL) in the Philippine Government
As the flagship program of the Presidential Communications Office (PCO) under the Marcos Administration, it is an essential step to promote digital integrity in the country. While challenges exist, ongoing efforts, collaboration, and public awareness campaigns are paving the way for a more MIL-aware Philippines.
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