You have submitted an FOI request
Date: Dec. 7, 2023, 12:02 a.m.
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Date: 2024-01-12 10:52:23.000000
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Published by Department of National Defense(DND) on Dec. 7, 2023.
Requested from DND by L. Buan at 12:02 AM on
Dec. 7, 2023.
Purpose: Media research and article
Date of Coverage: 06/01/2010 - 07/31/2010
Tracking no: #DND-304679571526
Hello, I am Lian Buan, reporter of Rappler. For the purpose of media research and article, I would like to request for the full copy of the 2010 report of the Independent Commission Against Private Armies (ICAPA) headed by then CA Justice Monina Arevalo Zenarosa.
January 3, 2024 Dear FOI Client, Our response to your request is due on Dec 28, 2023 12:02:04 AM. Unfortunately, it is taking longer than expected to deal with your request. I apologize for this delay but have applied for an extension so we could work further on your request. We hope to be able to send you a response on or before Jan 25, 2024 12:02:04 AM. Should you have any questions regarding your request, kindly contact me using the reply function on the eFOI portal at, for request with ticket number #DND-304679571526. Thank you. Respectfully, FOI Officer
Dear FOI Client, Greetings! Thank you for your request under Executive Order No. 2 (s. 2016) on Freedom of Information in the Executive Branch. Your request You asked for a full copy of the 2010 report of the Independent Commission against Private Armies (ICAPA), headed by former Court of Appeals Justice Monina Arevalo Zenarosa. Response to your request While our aim is to provide information whenever possible, in this instance this Office does not have a copy of the full report you have requested. However, you may wish to contact the Office of the President at 82498310 loc. 8313 or [email protected]. Your right to request a review If you are unhappy with this response to your FOI request, you may ask us to carry out an internal review of the response by writing to the Undersecretary of National Defense who heads the Central Appeals and Review Committee. Your review request should explain why you are dissatisfied with this response, and should be made within 15 calendar days from the date when you received this letter. We will complete the review and tell you the result within 30 calendar days from the date when we receive your review request. If you are not satisfied with the result of the review, you then have the right to appeal to the Office of the President under Administrative Order No. 22 (s. 2011). Thank you. Respectfully, FOI Officer