You have submitted an FOI request
Date: July 3, 2022, 5:03 p.m.
Your request is already in review
Your request was denied
Date: 2022-07-04 15:46:38.000000
How was your request?
Published by Clark Development Corporation(CDC) on July 3, 2022.
Requested from CDC by R. Talacan at 05:03 PM on
July 3, 2022.
Purpose: I need my boaster certificate to used for overseas purposes. Thank you.
Date of Coverage: 03/07/2022 - 07/03/2022
Tracking no: #CDC-159644028536
I try to download my vaxcert online but my booster certificate is not included. Requesting for my booster cert to be uploaded. I had my booster last 03/07/22 until now it was not updated. Thank you .
July 4, 2022 Dear Rosemarie, Greetings! Thank you for your request dated Jul 03, 2022 under Executive Order No. 2 (s. 2016) on Freedom of Information in the Executive Branch. Your request You asked for Booster Certificate. Response to your request May we know where did you have your booster vaccine? Also, we may need a valid identification card the next time you lodge a request in this agency. Your right to request a review If you are unhappy with this response to your FOI request, you may ask us to carry out an internal review of the response by writing to the CDC President. Your review request should explain why you are dissatisfied with this response, and should be made within 15 calendar days from the date when you received this letter. We will complete the review and tell you the result within 30 calendar days from the date when we receive your review request. If you are not satisfied with the result of the review, you then have the right to appeal to the Office of the President under Administrative Order No. 22 (s. 2011). Thank you. Respectfully, Blezilda Fernandez FOI Officer