You have submitted an FOI request
Date: Feb. 9, 2022, 12:59 p.m.
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Date: 2022-02-09 16:10:18.000000
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Published by Camarines Norte State College(CNSC) on Feb. 9, 2022.
Requested from CNSC by J. CeƱidoza at 12:59 PM on
Feb. 9, 2022.
Purpose: College enrollment, scholarship application.
Date of Coverage: 02/09/2018 - 02/09/2022
Tracking no: #CNSC-032373444763
Greetings! I am Joy T. Preza. I lost my NCAE results, I would like to ask for a duplicate of my results as it is a requirement on my scholarship application and College Enrollment. I took my NCAE exam in the year 2018 (Grade 9) and since then I lost my results. I am hoping that I can have a duplicate of my NCAE results as it is required.
February 9, 2022 Dear Joy Preza, Greetings! Based on the record forwarded by the Guidance Testing and Admission Office (GTAO ), first year students were only required to submit their NCAE results beginning SY 2021- 2022. So before that year no records of NCAE can be found. Thank you. Respectfully, CNSC Public Information and Community Relations Office Receiving Officer FOI Receiving Officer