You have submitted an FOI request
Date: Dec. 28, 2023, 2:28 p.m.
Your request is already in review
Your request was denied
Date: 2023-12-28 15:16:52.000000
How was your request?
Published by Department of Justice(DOJ) on Dec. 28, 2023.
Requested from DOJ by L. Gella at 02:28 PM on
Dec. 28, 2023.
Purpose: For verification
Date of Coverage: 07/28/2008 - 12/28/2023
Tracking no: #DOJ-419606981263
Hi I would like to know the result of the abovementioned case
December 28, 2023 Dear Requesting Party, Greetings! Thank you for your request dated Dec 28, 2023 under Executive Order No. 2 (s. 2016) on Freedom of Information in the Executive Branch. Your request You asked for LRC CASE NO. N-1326 LOT NO. 18440. Response to your request While our aim is to provide information whenever possible, in this instance this Office does not have the information you have requested considering this case/docket numbering is not under the DOJ. If your matter is about land titles then you may coordinate directly with the Land Registration Authority (LRA) which is also on-board the FOI platform. Thank you, FOI Receiving Officer